Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Wealthy Men Give Women More Orgasms

“In 2008, evolutionary psychologist Dr. Thomas Pollett from Newcastle University and coresearcher Professor Daniel Nettle conducted research that found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s bank balance and resources. They found that the wealthier a man is, the more frequently his partner has orgasms."

I just had to write about this, I can't help it.
At the moment I am reading this book about the differences between men and women (it's an interesting one so far).

I totally disagree with the above mentioned quote. It's true that we women need and seek a man with resources to protect us and our future babies (it's about stability and security, everyone gets that, it's an evolutionary thing), but I believe that has nothing to do with sex and the pleasure we get out of it.

Why? Because my personal experience says it takes something else for us women to truly open up to a man and feel him with all our being as we should, not the freaking money..it's all about respect, lovely caring, passion, trust and a gentle approach.

And usually good guys in bed are those who truly want to be good and have a desire to know how a woman's body works, not the ones who love to talk about sex and how wonderful they are, just like a car salesman, trying to prove something or to convince you to get him (it's the modesty that makes more, not being cocky) and this applies to women as well, I'm not gonna spare you ladies at all.

The conclusion is: if money makes you orgasm, then why don't you try insert a note inside and see if it makes you come??

God, it feels so good to be back! ;)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


After 4 years, 2 series of attempts to write something interesting and almost one year break, I've come back with my 3rd chance, with a fresh mind and a great deal of learning experiences.
I know my 1st step was a childish, ironic approach, thinking I was writing for the like minded people, the second one was a bit more down to earth but still not enough..though I had quite a few followers.
I didn't delete all my posts because I was ashamed of some sort, but because there is a new me, I am grateful for all that happened, it got me to where I am today but they don't represent me anymore.
So, I woke up this morning with a hunger for writing and this movie "Blow" is the first one in such a long time to make me want to write about it.
It's a very beautiful story (based on real facts) about an ambitious guy that at a young age he decided to make a nice lifestyle for himself, different than the one he had with his parents, so he goes into what we would call crazy and dangerous (at least back in the '70s), so he becomes a drug dealer and later a cocaine smuggler, a very good one but a foolish one I would say, because he missed what was important and his hunger for getting even more and heading into his dream lifestyle cost him everything in the end (family, money, love, freedom).
Johnny Depp is just amazing as he usually is, I couldn't aks for a better performance and Penelope Cruz, well..I have to say that after seing "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" I didn't think she was capable of such an interesting performance, quite similar to the latest movie, though you can see she was young and fragile in her acting, but still good and impressive, considering this was done in 2001.
A good film, nice biography, nice acting and good directing, not even one second made me want to change the channel, so I recommend it to all of you that want to see something good, if you haven't seen it so far.